
TSD Rally Split Clock and Stopwatch

The TSD Rally Split consists of two clocks with different purposes. Master•Time on the left is the rally time-of-day clock. This clock can be adjusted to synchronize with the Official Rally Time clock. Also, the Master•Time clock can be stopped by touching the button on the left side. Retouching the button will cause the digital clock display to resume tracking time-of-day.

Monte•Carlo on the right is a stopwatch with two buttons: one starts and resumes the stopwatch and the other records each lap.

When the stopwatch has been stopped, there are three options for resetting it to zero for another start available when you click the Stopwatch Reset Options button below the stopwatch. One option (To Zero Now) is to reset to zero and await pressing the Start button. A second option (Next Minute) is to have the stopwatch reset when the time-of-day clock reaches the next full minute. A third option (Preset Time) allows you to select any time in either minutes:seconds or minutes:cents using the four sets of green or red buttons to increment to the time desired.

In order for any of these three options to take affect, you must touch the Apply button on the Stopwatch Reset Options popup.

Touch the Lock icon 🔒 to make clock adjustments. Adjust time ahead or behind as needed and, when finished, touch the Unlock icon 🔓 to prevent unintended adjustments. Touch the double Arrows ⏫ ⏬ singly or continuously to make adjustments in +/– 0.1 second increments.

When unlocked a chime will sound at 0 seconds and at 30 seconds. This audible cue is helpful when synching with the Official Rally Clock.

When the Official Rally Clock’s second hand reaches zero, the start of a new minute, estimate the error by which your clock is behind or ahead of the Official time and add or subtract 0.1 second increments.

On the clockface displays, time can be measured in either seconds or decimal minutes. Additionally, there are two levels of time precision. One displays two digits for seconds or two digits for hundredths of a minute. For more precision, the other measures and displays seconds as two digits plus tenths of a second or three digits for thousandths of a minute.


changes in version 3.5.3
  • Removed links to Facebook and Twitter
  • Updated the GUI to account for differences in displays on various iOS devices
  • Updated the code for proper functioning is operating systems from iOS 9 to 13
  • Added audio cue to clock adjustment
changes in version 3.5
  • Created three options for resetting and restarting the stopwatch. To see the options, touch the Stopwatch Reset Options button below the stopwatch
  • One option allows for immediate resetting to zero and a manual restart by touching the stopwatch Start button in the upper left hand corner. A second option will reset to zero and automatically restart the stopwatch at the next full minute. A third option allows you to select any time (created by touching a series of buttons for the appropriate minute and second or minute and cent and then the stopwatch will restart automatically when the chosen time is reached
  • Various GUI changes including one-pixel white borders around the various buttons on the time-of-day clock and the stopwatch to help you identify the location of the actual clear button that overlays the colored button icons on the perimeter of the clock faces
  • Code improvements for improved performance
changes in version 3.0
  • Numerous changes and simplifications to the app code
  • GUI tweaks
  • Audible clicks counting down to starting the stopwatch at the next minute.

revised: February 12, 2020