Bootstrap Statistics (Resampling with Replacement)
Bootstrapping is a technique for measuring sample statistics from a relatively small
set of data elements. By randomly resampling with replacement from the array of data
elements, the software is able to generate a distribution that approximates the Normal
Distribution from which parametric statistics like mean, standard deviation, skewness,
and kurtosis can be estimated.
In the iPhone version, there must be at least 6 data items (0 is a number,
n/a is not) and resampling will create 10,000 sets, each of whose size will
be one-third the number of data items.
Along with an increase in the range of numbers that can be input, the iPad version adds two user-defined options.
One lets the user select the number of times samples will be taken with replacement between 2 and 5 times.
Another allows varying the number of resamples in a computation between 10,000 and 250,000 times.
Also, the iPad version displays a graph of the histogram derived from the frequency of resamples overlaid
by the familiar bell-shaped curve of the Normal Distribution. In addition, you may add, retrieve, reorder, or delete data sets.
Also, data and results may be emailed, sent via text messaging, or printed.